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91 Programming — Ada Entries

Programming — Ada — April 18, 2023

Ada releases new automated generative AI-driven customer service suite
Ada, a Toronto-based customer service automation startup, has been around long enough to predate the use of large language models in its solutions, but today the company is announcing a new suite of tools powered by generative AI with the goal of taking that automation to another level.
April 18, 2023Source

Programming — Ada — Resources — A

Ada 95 Compilers, Processors, and Conformity Testing and Labs
Including Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite (ACATS) 2.4.
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Ada 95 Lessons Learned
Describes how to produce good Ada95 code using object-oriented methodology.
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Ada 95 MTV API
The following picture graphically shows an example of the MTV Builder generated Ada95 API.
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Ada 2005 Language Reference Manual
Consolidate a possible amendment to Ada 95 with Technical Corrigendum 1 and the Ada Standard (International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995). the Amendment will be produced by the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 9 Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG).
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Ada and Java Lexer
by Christoph Karl Walter Grein with Ada sources.
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Ada Conformity Assessment Home page for the ACAA. Manages Ada compiler validation
Home page for the ACAA. Manages Ada compiler validations
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Ada Europe
Ada Europe is an international organization, set up to promote the use of Ada, and to represent European interests in Ada-related matters.
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Ada Frequently Asked Questions
A list of Ada-related FAQs.
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Ada in Action
This is the second edition of Do-While Jones' examples of practical Programming — Ada . There are seven chapters covering numeric considerations, IO utilities and more.
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Ada Information
Essentially, this is a long list of organized Ada-related links to other sources on the Internet.
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Ada Information Clearinghouse — AdaIC
Ada Information Clearinghouse provides information and resources on Ada to the user community in order to maximize the language's efficiency, cost effectiveness, and productivity.
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Ada Reference Manual (ARM)
In multiple formats, the master version control system for the original source files (including the source for the tools) for the ARM, and other helpful documents.
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Ada Resources for Educators and Students
The goal of this site is to provide knowledge, resources and general links to the Ada community.
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Ada Semantic Interface Specification for GNAT
Providing an up to date implementations of ASIS = Ada Semantic Interface Specification for GNAT. ASIS is a published international ISO standard (ISO/IEC 15291:1999).
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Ada Source Library Browser
Ada source browser at SourceForge.
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Ada to C/C++ translator
A converter software which allows C/C++ source files to be generated from Ada83 and Ada95 source files. It doesn't translate all the code but tries to translate it as best as possible to obtain C/C++ code with the fewest bugs possible and whose execution is as near as possible to the original Ada program execution. [Freeware]
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Ada Tools
Home of AdaXml and other Ada tools.
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Ada Utilities
Several useful Ada utilities and bindings includes AdaGOOP (the Ada Generator of Object-Oriented Parsers), bindings to use parallel, serial ports under Windows.
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Ada — Webopedia Definition and Links
This page describes the term 'Ada'.
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Ada: Belgian Software
This site offers free Ada software, provided by Belgian Ada users and/or members.
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Ada: Belgium Organization
Ada-Belgium is a forum for persons interested in the Programming — Ada language; its applications; and Ada-related technologies such as software engineering methods, environments and tools.
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A translator that converts ANSI standard Ada to ARM or ISO conformant C++.
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A repository of (mostly) free Ada Software.
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Tool to generate extensively hyperlinked HTML or XML documentation from Ada sources (library unit specifications). Uses ASIS. Generated XML can be used to produce documentation in other formats. [Open source, GPL]
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AdaCL, Ada Class Library
Textfile search and replace (as Library and demo programs) Trace support. Protected and Task Queues. [Open source, GPL]
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Offer GnatPro (an Ada development environment), a visual code debugger, and Ada compilation tools.
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The Ada Information Clearinghouse provides information and resources on Ada.
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Ada95 Linux interpreter by Ragnar Hojland Espinosa.
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AdaGIDE (Ada GNAT Integrated Development Environment)
Free IDE for the GNU Ada Translator on Windows.
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Vendors of compilersAdaHome Compilers
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AdaHome — Tutorials
Ada tutorials.
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Adalog Components
Ada packeges including Debug, OS_Services, Protection (a kind of evolved semaphore), Variable_String. Also tools and adapplets (Java applets writing in Ada)
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Adalog Debug
A package provides a sophisticated trace facility, especially valuable for multi-tasking programs. the child package Debug.Timing also provides utilities for measuring execution time, and the child package Debug.Assert provides utilities for checking that certain properties of program are actually met.
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An Ada binding to OpenGL. [Open source, BSD License]
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Collection of articles and information relating to Ada and its programming. with downloadable Quick Reference cards in Postscript format.
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Find articles, books, mailing lists and source code for the object oriented, general purpose programming language Ada.
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BSD sockets binding for the Programming — Ada language.
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AdaTEST 95
A tool provides automated facilities for Dynamic Testing, Coverage and Static analysis in a totally integrated environment.
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An Ada 95 binding to the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
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Commercial source code analysis and reverse engineering tools.
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Interactive Ada tutor for DOS.
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The Ada Structed Library is a collection of container and semaphore types.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — B

Bnf of the Programming — Ada Language
Each element of this page is an anchor to a description of a syntax rule.
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An Ada 95 binding to the BLAS Fortran library, which contains routines for doing fundamental vector and matrix operations.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — C

Catalog of compilers: Ada
Diverse, almost two decades old tools for Programming — Ada .
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Cilk Project
Multi-threaded parallel programming language based on ANSI C. Features an introduction, reference manual, software, and related links.
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Cleanscape Software
Software development automation tools for UNIX Linux Windows Fortran C C++ Ada 1750A, software programming tools.
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Compilers & Conformance
Ada Information Clearinghouse, AdaIC.
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comp.lang.ada FAQ
from Usenet FAQ Archive. Maintained by Magnus Kempe.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — D

Supplier of Ada compilers for safety critical real-time embedded applications.
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Dirk's Pointers to Ada Related Information
In case you are wondering why people are interested to use Ada as a teaching language, even as the language of choice for a first programming course at universities.
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Downloading Ada95
Files and compilers.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — E

Embedded Ada development tools and AdaMULTI development environment
Ada 95 software development tools for mission-critical embedded systems are fully integrated with the AdaMULTI development environment and Ada 95 optimizing compilers.
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ETH Zurich — Oberon
Technical org. describes the language and its uses and offers code samples, a newsgroup, and many related links.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — F

A POSIX Ada binding, including real-time extensions (this is the original page, download it where you download GNAT).
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Programming — Ada — Resources — G

A tool that checks Ada sources against a given set of rules. It is an ASIS-based tool built on top of the ASIS implementation for GNAT (ASIS-for-GNAT).
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Providing an up to date implementations of Annex E (Distributed Systems) of the ISO standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995/COR1:2000 for GNAT. [Nothing to interface builder of the same name (GLADE)]
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compiler for Ada95, integrated into the GCC compiler system, and distributed under the Copyleft policy of the Free Software Foundation.
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GNAT Libre Software Developers
The Libre software site for Ada developers. Links on Ada web server, compiler and visual debugger.
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GNAT Reference Manual
This manual contains useful information in writing programs using the GNAT compiler. It includes information on implementation dependent characteristics of GNAT, including all the information required by Annex M of the standard.
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GNU Ada Compiler
A community supported site providing binaries for the GNU Ada compilers and numerous Ada libraries. the compiler and most libraries are distributed under the terms of the GPL with the linking/generic exception.
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Green Hills AdaMULTI
A complete integrated development environment (IDE) for embedded applications using Ada 95, C, C++, Embedded C++ and FORTRAN. AdaMULTI runs on Windows or UNIX hosts and supports remote debugging to a variety of target environments.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — I

ICC Ada95 Pretty Printer (ICCFMT)
Reads an Ada source file and writes out a formatted version
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In the Movie Out There
Ada reference in the movie Out There.
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Irvine Compiler Corp.
Offer Ada development environments for a wide range of host and target platforms.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — J

Offer Ada 83 and Ada 95 development environments.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — L

A general library for Ada '95 under Unix-like operating systems. It currently provides some basic data structures. Also it provide abstractions for NNTP and SMTP commands.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — N

GNU ncurses includes an Ada 95 binding.
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Ncurses Binding
An Ada 95 binding to the Ncurses console library.
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An Ada library for Unicode.
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NYU Gnat Archive
The place to download the public version of the GNAT Ada compiler and related packages.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — O

OC Systems
Powerful Testing, Debugging and Development Tools.
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OC Systems PowerAda
A complete integrated Ada development environment for AIX and Linux.
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Object-Oriented Programming in Ada 9x.
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OOP in Ada
A book chapter explaining how to do OOP in Ada 95.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — P

PTC ObjectAda
PTC ObjectAda is an extensive family of native and cross development tools and runtime environments. PTC ObjectAda native products provide host development and execution support for the most popular environments including Windows, Linux and various UNIX operating systems.
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An Ada 95 binding to the Python interpreter.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — Q

Quick Ada
A quick introduction to Ada.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — R

Integrated Development Environment that supports Ada on MS-DOS and Linux.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — S

Software Innovations
Interactive Ada tutor for DOS.
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Some information on the Ada 95 programming language
The Ada Home Web Server has a summary introduction to Ada, lists of textbooks, and information on free compilers.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — T

The Ada95 Booch Components
The (free) Ada95 Booch Components.
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The Big_Number page
Site dedicated to the use of big numbers (numbers greater than predefined types) with the Programming — Ada language.
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Top 10 Myths
Top 10 myths and misconceptions about Ada.
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A thick Ada binding to the Tk windowing library.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — U

UML Tools for Ada
WinA&D is a UML modeling tool with Ada code generation. WinTranslator generates UML models from existing Ada code. Together WinA&D and WinTranslator provide complete round-trip engineering of Ada code from UML based design.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — V

Visual Ada Developer (VAD)
A user interface builder using the Tk bindings.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — W

Free online Ada95 compiler service.
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Who's Using Ada?
Real-world projects powered by Ada.
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Programming — Ada — Resources — X

Offer Ada 95 compilers that target various embedded computers.
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