Programming — C++ — January 7th, 2025
The latest language in the GNU Compiler Collection: Algol-68
That is not dead which can eternal lie... including the grandparent of C, apparently
January 7th, 2025 — Source
Programming — C++ — December 29th, 2024
Fish Shell Outlines Their Successes & Challenges Going From C++ To Rust
Earlier this month the Fish Shell 4.0 went into beta with the C++ code ported to Rust. Now with most of the Fish Shell code transitioned to Rust, the project put out a blog post this weekend outlining the successes and challenges they have encountered in porting their large C++ codebase to Rust.
December 29th, 2024 — Source
Programming — C++ — November 16th, 2024
Rust haters, unite! Fil-C aims to Make C Great Again
It's memory-safe, with a few caveats
November 16th, 2024 — Source
Programming — C++ — October 16th, 2024
Challenges and Lessons Porting Code from C to Rust
In a two-installment series, Stephen Crane and Khyber Sen, software engineers at Immunant, recount how they ported VideoLAN and FFmpeg AV1 decoder from C to Rust for the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). The series includes plenty of details about how they ensured not to break things and optimized performance.
October 16th, 2024 — Source
Programming — C++ — August 14th, 2024
Top 10 C# Keywords and Features
This article explores the top 10 C# keywords and features that every developer should know to use the full potential of the language.
August 14th, 2024 — Source
Programming — C++ — June 28th, 2024
CISA looked at C/C++ projects and found a lot of C/C++ code. Wanna redo any of it in Rust?
So, so many lines of memory-unsafe routines in crucial open source, and unsafe dependencies
June 28th, 2024 — Source
C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — Numbers
2 Ways to Use Single-Member structs in C
I love C's structs. There's a lot of weirdness in C but, for the most part, structs are predictable, useful, and easy to understand.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — A
A Little C Primer
Quick introduction, written by a novice, intended for use by novices, but assumes familiarity with a programming language. by Greg Goebel. Public domain.
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Abscissa Tech
resource guide for web designers, with references and tutorials on implementing HTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, PHP, C++, and more.
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ACDK — Artefaktur Component Development Kit
Platform independent C++ component framework similar to Java or .NET (reflection, threading, Unicode, garbage collection, io, net, util, xml, etc.) with integration of Java, Perl, Python, Tcl, Lisp, COM and CORBA.
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AllExperts C++ Q&Amp;A
Volunteer experts answer your detailed one-on-one questions about C++ for free.
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An automatic mock object for C++. by using ABI and templatetechniques, it can simulate a pseudo-"Reflection" which is normally not supported in C++. the main differences between AMOP and other mock object libraries is that users do not need to implement the interface of the object to be mocked.
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Android-like res5urce linking in C++
Here's something that is actually quite nice about Android development: the linking of resources into source code. There is an extra build step that takes all the resource files in your project and generates a class called R which contains references to those files.
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Apache C++ Standard Library
A collection of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components of every piece of software, implemented as C++ classes, templates, and functions essential for writing C++ programs. the goal is to provide a free implementation of the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++ that enables source code portability and consistent behavior of programs across all major hardware implementations, operating systems, and compilers. [Open Source]
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With the software you'll find here, you can develop a C compiler and/or assembler for pretty much any processor design via a retargetable software development system.
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Are you Ready for C99?
Kuro5hin story about the new ANSI and ISO standard.
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Association of C & C++ Users
mailing list archive dealing with different topics of C and C++ programming.
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A static analyzer analyzes reactive, critical, real-time programs written in the C programming language and looks for runtime errors.
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Available C++ Libraries FAQ
Includes a list of available C++ libraries, both public domain and commercial.
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Available C++ Libraries FAQ
Listing with descriptions of a large number of C++ libraries, both commercial and free.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — B
Bannalia: trivial notes on themes diverse
Monads in C++ template metaprogramming.
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Bioinformatics Template Library (BTL)
Provides the generic mathematical components that will allow programmers to more rapidly construct applications that model biological entities.
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A C++ classes library implementing bitvectors with several types of on-the-fly, adaptive compression. can be used in databases and search systems.
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Boost C++ Libraries
Provides a repository for free c++ libraries. the emphasis is on libraries which work well with the c++ standard library.
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Borland Online
Official home page of the software manufacturer specializing in programming and development tools.
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A crypto library that provides a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms, formats, and protocols.
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Both true and false: a Zen moment with C
I ran into a really fun bug at work yesterday, where I discovered that my C program was branching down logically inconsistent code paths. After drinking another cup of coffee and firing up GDB I realized that somehow, a boolean variable in my code was simultaneously testing as both true and not true.
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An efficient and simple to use Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) package for C and C++.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — C
Includes a collection of links to various FAQs as well as who maintains them.
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C for C++ Programmers
By Ian Cooke. Highlights the differences with C++ including comments, input/output, memory allocation, variable declarations, constants, structures, booleans, libraries and suggested reading.
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C for the Mentally Derranged
Easy to understand C tutorials for absolute beginners.
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C Module Viewer (CMV)
A small and smart programming tool that supports software engineering under C in the subjects modularity, overview and navigation (for Windows 9x/NT/2000). by Ezer Programmings.
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C Programming Notes
Covers the basics of input/output, string functions and explanations of basic data types and operators.
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C programming tutorial
I would like to suggest an online C programming resource which will be useful for all who are beginners for C programming.We are developing this free online tutorial website as a service to the learning student's community as well as IT developers.
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C to Java converter
Convert C preprocessed source to Java.
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C# Corner
contains tutorials, source code, articles, discussions for C-Sharp, .NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, XML and SOAP, C++.NET, VS.NET developers.
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C# Station
links tutorials, FAQ, and other resources about C sharp.
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C++ Archive
links to programming information, career resources, and guides.
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C++ Builder XE3 — Multi-Device C++ Development
For ISVs and Enterprises the #1 application development challenge today is supporting the growing heterogeneous mix of client devices, UI approaches, OS versions, and emerging form factors. with traditional development approaches, for every new platform supported, a whole new team is required to create and manage a separate codebase. this approach multiplies your costs and time to market with each addition. to turn this mounting challenge into a competitive advantage developers need an edge, a way to virtually replicate their R&D staff several times over.
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C++ Conformance Roundup
This roundup is designed to report which compiler and library implementations support the standard well. (compiled and edited by Herb Sutter)
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C++ I/O Tips and Tricks
Tips and tricks for effectively using input and output in C++
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C++ in Coders at Work
One of the topics I asked most of my Coders at Work interviewees about was C++. I am not an expert, or even a competent C++ programmer and recognize that my own opinions about C++ are not well-informed enough to be worth much.
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C++ in Competitive Programming: I/O
In C++ a simple task like reading an integer from the standard input can be done in different ways: using streams, C functions or OS-dependant calls. the streams model offers a pretty high level interface, but it is generally slower than using native operating system calls. However, in different cases, it is acceptable.
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C++ Maniac
A weblog containing daily lessons for programming with Visual Studio, using the C language.
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C++ Programming for Scientists
Course notes, examples.
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C++ Programming Language Tutorials
A bunch of PDF files for C++ Programming Language Course.
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C++11 regex cheatsheet
I thought about creating a cheatsheet for the C++11 regex library for a long time, and I finally sat down and made it over the last few days. in case you haven't encountered them, regular expressions are a powerful way of searching and manipulating strings.
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C++11's async Template
C++11 brings rich support for threading to the language, and one of the features that really works for me is the function template async.
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C, C++, STL and Win32 Hands on Approach Tutorial
Learns C, C++, STL and other C & C++ related programming tutorail through program examples and experiments from beginner to advanced.
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C/C++ World on Planet Source Code
Includes tutorials, discussion group, and coding contest.
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Calling c from fortran
The Unix portable Fortran-77 compiler ('f77') is written almost entirely in C.
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CC Shell
Allows C source files to be directly executed as scripts (using #!), speeding development and simplifying maintenance.
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CGAL — Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
A collaborative effort to develop a robust, easy to use, and efficient C++ software library of geometric data structures and algorithms.
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An embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross-platform scripting and shell programming.
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Cheerp 1.2 — C++ to JavaScript with faster execution and startup, smaller output
Today we are proudly releasing Cheerp 1.2, our latest and best performing C++ compiler for the Web so far.
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Chilkat C++ Libraries
A static libraries for Visual C++ and C++ Builder developers: zip, e-mail, encryption, S/MIME, XML.[Shareware]
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Cleanscape Software
Software development automation tools for UNIX Linux Windows Fortran C C++ Ada 1750A, software programming tools.
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Cleanscape Software Source Code Analyzer Resource Center
shares with you the knowledge, experience and tools we've built during 20 years of being an innovative developer of static source code analyzers and software development automation solutions.
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An open source numerical library for mathematician, engineers and scientists who work in C++. Users can donate or licence (for commercial uses) their own code, request components, or bid to develop requested components.
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Codemesh JMS Courier
Lets you integrate C++ into any Java Message Service (JMS) vendor environment. [Commercial]
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CodeSonar® Static Analysis Tool
Source code analysis designed for zero-tolerance defect environments.
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An analysis and inspection tool that lets software developers and maintainers easily understand detailed dependence relations in source code.
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CodeViz provides the ability to generate call graphs to aid the task of understanding code.
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Common C++
A framework offering portable support for threading, sockets, file access, deamons, persistance, and system for clarity, services.
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Common Text Transformation Library
Library of C++ classes and functions to parse and modify STL strings. CTTL substring classes may be compared, inserted, replaced, and parsed with EBNF grammars. Compiled program implements recursive descent LL(INF) parser.
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comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
An HTML version of the Usenet comp.lang.c collection of questions, together with presumably definitive answers.
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Caches compiled object files to dramaticly speed up compiles. More convenient than make, and speeds up builds (like RPM builds) that make doesn't. Obsoleted by ccache.
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An international source for commercial software components, mostly ActiveX, with reviews, download, evaluate instantly and purchase online.
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Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
C++ library of algorithms and data structures used in computational geometry.
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Concurrency in C++
An introduction to advanced control-flow with an emphasis on concurrency and writing concurrent programs at the programming-language level in C++. Programming techniques and styles are examined to express complex forms of control flow, such as exceptions, co routines, and multiple forms of concurrency.
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class library for building simulations common in computational neuroscience.
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provides information, documentation, reference, source codes, and forums.
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Application server that provides Servlet-like API to C++ programmers. It consists of stand-alone daemon, listening on TCP socket for requests from web server, and a web server module.
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A C++ unit testing framework that started as a port of JUnit to C++.
Provides Information — Source your Resource for C++
A Web site designed to help learning C or C++. Also provides C and C++ programming resources.
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Creating Your Own AI Co-Author Using C++
While using ChatGPT through a web interface is one thing, creating your own autonomous AI tool that interfaces with ChatGPT via its API, is a different story altogether — especially when you aim to maintain complete control over the interaction with the user.
July 3, 2023 — Source
Cross-Platform Toolkit Library (xtklib)
A complete C++ based framework for object-oriented cross-platform programming.
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Cscope is a developer's tool for browsing C programming code.
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Cxref is a C source code cross referencing and documenting program for UNIX, written by Andrew M. Bishop. Cxref makes both html and latex style document.
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A JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C/C++ with a focus on being a lightweight framework that is well suited for integration into embedded systems development projects.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — D
Data Structures in C
Lists, trees, sorts and searches.
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open source C++ client for the Direct Connect protocol.
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Defeating the Matasano C++ Challenge with ASLR enabled
The Matasano Security blog recently posted an article titled a C++ Challenge which included a particularly ugly piece of C++ code that has a security vulnerability. the challenge is for the reader to find the vulnerability, use it execute arbitrary code, and submit the data to Matasano.
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Deploying Microservices Architecture with C#, Part 1
What's all the hubbub with microservices? the benefits are in application management and delivery. Paul Mooney shows how in this sample C# app.
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Deploying Microservices Architecture with C#, Part 2
Now that we've got the basics of microservices, what happens when we take into production? it's time to make sure your message reaches its intended targets.
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Development Assistant for C
Supports a wide range of software development activities, from easy editing to controlling source quality, from detailed reviewing to documenting. by RistanCASE.
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Development Assistant for C
IDE for Embedded Software development in ANSI C. Editor, Browser, Call-Hierarchy Graph, Software Metrics, Makefile Generator, Tool Integration. Interface to Debuggers and Version Control Systems.
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Dev-C++ FAQ
FAQ on Dev-C++ and C++ programming with MinGW.
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DevX: C++ Zone
discussions, tips, help, and more.
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dlib C++ library
A library for developing portable applications that deal with networking, threads (message passing, futures, etc...), graphical interfaces, complex data structures, linear algebra, machine learning, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, or Bayesian networks. [Open source]
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Do better coders swear more, or does C just do that to good programmers?
For open source C code, curses mean quality, a recent bachelor's thesis suggests.
March 14, 2023 — Source
Draft Proposal for Namespaces in Objective-C
Adding namespaces to Objective-C is a non-trivial problem. this proposal is a working draft; it may have bugs. (In particular, the definition of @namespace blocks and the @using directive is incomplete, but it's analogous enough to other languages that the intent should be obvious.) this draft will certainly need updates; I welcome comments at optshiftk [at] optshiftk [dot] com
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Dumpleton Software Consulting
Home site for OSE: C++ class library and build environment.
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Dunfield Development Systems
Makers of Micro-C compiler for MS/DOS. PC based cross development for embedded systems.
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A C++ framework for binary reusable objects, or plugins. It enables exposing and sharing run-time type information for C++ classes.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — E
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Embarcadero™ C++Builder™ XE is the only true RAD C++ environment and component framework — designed for ultra-fast development of highly-maintainable Windows GUI applications across multiple Windows and database platforms. C++Builder's fully visual two-way RAD IDE and thousands of available components speed and simplify building rich and data-intensive end-user applications.
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eNITL — the Network Improv Template Language
a scripting language engine for C++ applications which require flexible output generation and internal scripting.
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Even faster UTF-8 character counting
I recently came across two articles, "Counting characters in UTF-8 strings is fast" by Kragen Sitaker, and "Counting characters in UTF-8 strings is fast(er)" by George Pollard, which provide a series of successively faster ways of (as the article names suggest) counting the number of UTF-8 characters in a NUL-terminated string. we can do better.
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Evolution of C# (1.0 – 5.0) – what are the new Features Introduced in C#
C# is not new to us. we are using it since Visual Studio 2002. Currently it is in released version 4.0 and C# 5.0 is on the way to release with Visual Studio 2012. Though we are using it since a long time, but many of us don't know the new features that has been introduced in each new release.
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Exuberant Ctags
Generates an index (or tag) file of C language objects found in C source and header files that allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — F
FAQ: alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++
Provides framework and set of guidelines for posting.
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FAQ: comp.lang.c
Frequently Asked Questions.
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FAQ Lite C++
FAQ of the newsgroup comp.lang.c++. Kept by Marshall Cline.
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Fortran & C
Mixing Fortran & C.
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Freeware for Solaris
precompiled Gnu C and C++ binaries for Solaris, for Sparc and Intel architectures.
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FriedSpace C Programming Tutorial
Series of detailed tutorials for beginners in C, based around real world programming examples. Keyed to Pelles C.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — G
GIDForums — C++ Programming Forums
C and C++ programming discussions, including source code examples and tutorials. Example codes are syntax highlighted.
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GNU Aspell
A library providing spell checking.
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GNU cflow
GNU cflow analyzes a collection of C source files and prints a graph, charting control flow within the program.
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GNU GLOBAL is a source code tag system that works the same way across diverse environments.
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GNU Source-highlight
Source-highlight, given a source file, produces a document with syntax highlighting.
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GOBLIN Graph Library
Goblin is a full-featured tool chain for handling graphs. the project provides code from the following areas: Optimization, Layout, Composition, File import and export, and Manipulation. [Open Source, LGPL]
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Ground Cero Guide to C
basic introduction to C.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — H
Hidden Features of C#?
We, C# developers, all know the basics of C#. I mean declarations, conditionals, loops, operators, etc. some of us even mastered the stuff like Generics, anonymous types, lambdas, LINQ, ... But what are the most hidden features or tricks of C# that even C# fans, addicts, experts barely know?
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HTTP GET / POST Helper Class
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — I
Imagix Corporation
Provides software to aid in reverse engineering, program understanding, and code comprehension as well as documentation tools for legacy and complex C and C++ software systems.
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A tool for formatting C code.
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An error detection tool for C/C++ that automatically finds hidden errors at the source code level.
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Intel C++ Compilers
Optimizing compiler for Intels 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Produces executables that are source and object code compatible with Microsoft Visual C++. for Linux and Windows. Also Fortran and EFI byte code compilers.
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InteLib: Lisp programming within a C++ project
A class library for Lisp programming within a C++ project using existing C++ translators.
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Iterative Methods Library (IML)
templated library of modern iterative methods for solving both symmetric and nonsymmetric linear systems of equations.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — J
Java/C/C++/Fortran Makefile
A simple replacement for Ant.
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John McGuinn's C Programming Tutorial
A basic tutorial in using the C programming language.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — K
KScope is a KDE front-end to Cscope. It provides a source-editing environment for large C projects, such as the Linux kernel.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — L
Lambda abstractions in C++ versus Scheme
This article is to exhibit lambda abstractions in C++ in comparison with those of traditional functional languages (e.g., Scheme). the article will try to demonstrate that "applicable values" in C++ not only look similar to their functional cousins.
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lcc — a Retargetable Compiler for ANSI C
generates code for the SPARC, MIPS R3000, and Intel 386 and its successors.
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A compiler system for Windows 95 — NT, includes lcc, a development environment, and other tools.
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Tool for statically checking C programs.
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Library for tracing and analyzing memory leaks in C++ programs.
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Led Rich Text C++ Class Library
A portable, cross-platform C++ library designed to add various kinds of word processing (rich text) or text editing capabilities to your application.
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Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms. Has all relevant algorithm building blocks in easy-to-use, efficient form for objects such as graphs, sequences, dictionaries, trees, points, flows, matchings, segments, shortest paths. [Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH]
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A general C++ class library/framework.
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A thread-safe library to support C++ developers with debugging their applications. It includes support for ostream-based debug output to custom debug channels, memory allocation debugging and run-time support like printing source file locations and demangled names of template parameters.
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Implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries, abstract interfaces, and general programming. [LGPL]
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A C++ library for importing and exporting WordPerfect documents. Features, screenshots, download and developer information. [LGPL licence]
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Lint Plus
Source code analyzer, detects problems compilers cannot catch, by Cleanscape Software.
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LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
An aggressive open-source compiler for C and C++. It specializes in interprocedural optimization/analysis and supports runtime and offline optimization "in the field" as well.
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Port of the log4j logging library to C++.
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A library for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations, modeled after the Log4j Java library.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — M
A Macintosh optimized C++ source library. It include std::valarray optimized for the Altivec execution engine; std::vector partially specialized on the Mach allocator, for OS-level copy-on-write; a convenient and efficient wrapper for Altivec data types; COM clients and servers for writing CFPlugIns. [Commercial, open source]
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A portable C/C++ preprocessor supporting several compiler-systems on UNIX and Windows. mcpp supports C99 and C++98 as well as C90 and it provides Validation Suite which tests C/C++ preprocessor comprehensively.
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Merge from cxx-conversion branch
As described this patch changes the default bootstrap process so that stage 1 always builds with a C++ compiler.
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MFC Programmer's SourceBook
resource for Windows developers. Full of source code and tips for programming in Visual C++.
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Miracle C Compiler
Runs under Windows XP/Vista and compiles for console. Provides a multi-window development environment with integrated compiler and linker.
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Mix Software Inc
Makers of Power C for DOS, Win32, and Linux. C++ addons, but no compiler
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MN Watcom Page
Watcom news, links, tips, STL, FAQ. wxWindows with Watcom.
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Mock Objects for C++, a platform independent generic unit testing framework for C++. Its goal is to facilitate developing unit tests in the spirit of Mock Objects for Java, EasyMock and jMock.
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Monads in C++
"You must be kidding!" would be the expected reaction to "Monads in C++." Hence my surprise when I was invited to Boostcon 11 to give a three-hour presentation on said topic, a presentation which was met with totally unexpected level of interest. I imagine there was a small uptick in the sales of Haskell books afterwards.
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muParser — a fast math parser library
An extensible cross platform library for parsing mathematical expressions.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — N
Need Scripts
One stop Web Development Resource providing reviews and articles.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — O
Object Oriented Template Library (OOTL) for C++
A C++ library which provides object oriented alternatives to C++ primitives and the STL collections. [Open source, Boost license]
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Objective-C Tuesdays: regular expressions
Welcome back to Objective-C Tuesdays after a long hiatus. in the last couple of entries, we looked at searching and replacing in C strings and NSStrings. Today we'll look at a more powerful way to search and replace in strings: regular expressions.
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A C++ class library to support integration and migration of Fortran to C++. ObjexxFCL includes Fortran-compatible array, string, and intrinsic function support.
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Open EzBasic
A C++ based library, that can be used to make programs using functions as in VB. the library has 25 classes ranging from GUI, Threads, String, Active-X. Simple way to convert VB code to C++. [Open source, Qt Public License (QPL)]
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OpenTop C++ Library
A cross-platform C++ library providing high-performance and portable classes for multi-threading, I/O, networking, Unicode and XML parsing. [Commercial]
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Open Watcom Project
an effort to take the commercial Watcom compilers, and turn them into an Open Source Project.
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OpenMP: Simple, Portable, Scalable SMP Programming
The OpenMP Application Program Interface (API) supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran on all architectures, including Unix platforms and Windows NT platforms.
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C++ bindings for ORBit.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — P
A high performance C++ application framework which provides many classes needed for real-world application development, emphasing on ease of use, size and stability.
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A C/C++ logging API library, offering a combination of type-safety, efficiency, genericity and extensibility.
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Paradigm C++ Professional
Software development suite for x86 embedded systems programming, including the Paradigm C++ Professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
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A C++ toolkit which enables developers to created distributed peer to peer solutions using agent engineering.
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pC++/Sage++ Information Home Page
pC++ is a portable parallel C++ for high performance computers. pC++ is a language extention to C++ that permits data-parallel style opertations.
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Pelles C
A complete IDE and development kit for Windows and Pocket PC. the compiler is based on LCC, and the install builder for Windows is based on NSIS. Both are heavily modified.
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Perlin noise in C++11
Ken Perlin's noise function is the building block of many texture generation algorithms, you can use it to create realistically looking materials, clouds, mountains etc ... the first version of this function was developed in 1988 and it is still used in various graphical libraries. in 2002 the author has published an improved version of his noise function.
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Graphics Subroutine Library.
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Pointer based stack in c#
No Description
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Portable C Compiler
Originally a 1970s compiler updated for Linux. Compiles to C99 standard. Website features mailing lists, documentation and bug tracking system.
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Presentation on the Bioinformatics Template Library (BTL)
Documentation and Online-Presentations about STL and generic programming.
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Previous IOCCC Winners
Past winners of the International Obfuscated C Code contest
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Project Euler 22 — Name scores
I have written code in C++ 11 and check output with Project Euler site, and it is correct. I am not showing output, just to keep it secret, at least from my end.
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Programming in C: UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C
Lecture notes with integrated exercises, solutions and marking by A. D. Marshall.
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Programming resources for C/C++, Visual C++ and C# .Net Programmers — MYCPLUS
Programming resources for C/C++/C#. Provides tutorials, articles, source code, utilities, books and free magazines.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — R
Raize Software Solutions, Inc.
Home of Raize Components for C++Builder and Delphi.
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Rising C++ closes in on C language
C++ has surpassed Java and may soon eclipse C, according to the Tiobe index of programming language popularity. Cobol is back in the top 20.
July 11, 2023 — Source
C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — S
(short for "serialization") An STL-based C++ library for serializing PODs, STL containers and client-defined types.
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Script Search
CGI, C, Java, and JavaScript scripts!
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Semantics Consulting, Inc.
C++ and object-oriented training, consulting, and mentoring. Customized and off-the-shelf training from multiple vendors.
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SGI Pro64
A suite of optimizing compiler development tools for Linux Intel Itanium systems. Conforms to the IA-64 Linux ABI and API standards.
An Article — Source
Softpanorama Universitys Annotated C Webliography
A collection of links and information.
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Some notes concerning C++ integral data types
By Fabrizio Iacopetti.
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class library for efficient sparse matrix computations across various computational platforms.
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Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes.
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SSE2 alignment problems
If you have ever tried writing code using SSE2 instructions, you have probably noticed that the __m128 type variable behaves well when it is defined in a function (i.e. on a stack), but there are trouble having it as an object variable (attribute).
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Standard J2K Library
A completely portable C++ library, to provide a standard set of classes similar to Java Common API. [Open Source, LGPL]
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Static and Dynamic Allocation of Multi-Dimensional Arrays
A discussion of how static and dynamic multidimensional arrays are allocated in C.
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An implementation of the C++ Standard Library. [Open Source]
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Provides freely available STL-like extensions, including STL-style wrappers for common operating system and framework APIs (such as Windows, Unix, COM, MFC, ATL).
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An implementation of the C++ standard template library STL for external memory (out-of-core) computations, containers and algorithms that can process huge volumes of data that only fit on disks.
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Sun Studio C/C++/Fortran Compilers
Resources for developers using C, C++, or Fortran.
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Sweet Lua
A C++/Lua binding library. Features include: Features: bind C++ functions as Lua functions and closures with out of order parameters; bind C++ objects as Lua tables with lifetime controlled by either C++ or Lua; coroutines; type safety.
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Sweet Persist
A C++ serialization library that provides serialization of objects to and from XML and binary formats. It requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Boost.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — T
Ten Ways to Check if an Integer is a Power of Two in C
To write a program to check if an integer is a power of two, you could follow two basic strategies: check the number based on its decimal value, or check it based on its binary representation. the former approach is more human-friendly but generally less efficient; the latter approach is more machine-friendly but generally more efficient. we will explore both approaches, comparing ten different but equivalent C functions.
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The Boost Graph Library (BGL)
General purpose, generic C++ library for graph data structures and graph algorithms.
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The C Library Reference Guide
Complete reference to the ANSI C language.
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The C++ Portable Components
Class libraries for developing network-centric, portable applications in C++. the classes cover functionality like threads, thread synchronization, filesystem access, streams, shared libraries and class loading, sockets and network protocols, as well as an XML parser. by Applied Informatics. [Open source]
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The Codist
Check this site for a survey of source code comprehension tools (these show flow and/or relationships of function within the program in a graphical and/or text manner). Both free and commercial products are listed.
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The GNU C Programming Tutorial
Detailed coverage of each of the main elements of the C language and how to program in C, with special emphasis on the GNU/Linux compiler and associated toolset.
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The Ground Cero Guide to C
Attempts to introduce absolute beginners to C.
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The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
A place for C programmers to show their programming style.
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The Portland Group PGI Parallel Fortran, C and C++ Compilers and Tools
High-performance Fortran, C, and C++ compilers and tools for high-end computing systems and X86 processor-based workstations, servers, and clusters
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The Ten Commandments for C Programmers
C programming guidelines, with a humorous presentation, yet very true and useful. by Henry Spencer.
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Tiny C Compiler
Small compiler generating optimized x86 code.
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Tiny C compiler usable as a library or exe. for I386 primarily. Includes linker and assembler. [Open source, LGPL]
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Tips on C Programming
An idiosyncratic collection of advice on how to write C when developing large programs.
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Torry's Delphi Pages
Categorized component archive with reviews and more.
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Trading System API™
Trading-System-API is a comprehensive set of C++ foundation classes for simulating and deploying trading and investment strategies. the library features a modern 'event' based architecture as well as advanced time-series and order-management functionality.
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Turbo C++ Explorer
A C++ Rapid Application Development environment for the native Win32 platform. Features fast compile times, powerful debugging, and a highly productive IDE.
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A small and portable unit test framework for C++.
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Tutorial: Pointers and Arrays
A tutorial on pointers and arrays in the C programming language by Ted Jensen.
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Tutorial: Pointers in C and C++
A tutorial on pointers in C/C++. a unique approach is taken to eliminate the confusion behind pointers and arrays. Several illustrations.
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Tutorial: Standard C++ Locale
Article about C++ locale. a locale descripes things like where a program is running and user preferences.
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Tutorial: Using Namespaces Properly
Provided that you know the syntax of C++ namespaces, this article shows how you can use them to create large-scale programs.
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txObject ATK
A collection of platform-independent C++ class libraries that provides a five-layer framework containing an Object Library, IO and Timers, Threads, Inter-Process Communication, and Distributed Object Communication.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — U
A C++ unit testing framework similar to junit.
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Unicals Group
A vendor of embedded C/C++ development tools for OEM market.
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Unlocking the Potential of Binary Search Trees with C# Programming
The article explores the features of binary search trees and the benefits they provide for searching and sorting data.
March 31, 2023 — Source
A simple, portable and lightweight library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings in C++.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — V
A freely available library for implementing views over STL containers.
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Visibility for C++
Visualizing C++ object systems in real-time. Supports the visualization of all the fundamental C++ data types. Enables dynamic GUI's (Graphical User Interfaces) to be created without the need for a single line of UI code. by Outerface Technologies Inc.
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Visual C++ Start Page
Microsoft's Visual C++ help and instruction page offers examples, problems, resources and general information for the programming language.
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VXL (the Vision-something-Libraries)
A collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision research. Includes imaging, geometry, numerics, streaming I/O, basic templates, posix. VXL is written in ANSI/ISO C++ and is designed to be portable over many platforms.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — W
Well Developed Project (WDP) Program
The Well Developed Project (WDP) program aims to improve the quality implementation of your C/C++ open source projects for free. the goal is to acheive a deep audit of your projects and send you some recommendations.
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What is garbage collection? Automated memory management for your programs
Most modern programming languages use garbage collection, but developers have options for how it is implemented and tuned. Get an overview of how garbage collection works in languages such as Java, Python, and C#.
February 3, 2023 — Source
What's in Microsoft's New C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code
Microsoft announced the preview release of C# Dev Kit, a new extension for Visual Studio Code intended to improve the C# development experience on Linux, macOS, Windows and more.
June 23, 2023 — Source
Win32 C/C++ Compilers
List of free and commercial compilers for 32-bit Windows applications.
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wxMSW Compiler Comparison
Compares compile times and final file sizes of wxMSW compiled with Borland C++ 5.5, Open Watcom 1.0, Gcc 3.2, Visual C++ 6, and Digital Mars.
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — X
Parameter handling library. Extendable, type-safe, non-intrusive, object-oriented tool for general-purpose object serialization in C++. Good for parsing command-line parameters, cross-program and cross-platform communication, object streams, and as a plug-in framework (using polymorphism).
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C, C+ and C++ Programming — Resources — Y
YoLinux Tutorial
Tips on Linux software development and short C++ tutorials on linked lists, string classes and structures.
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