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129 Programming — Fortran Entries

Programming — Fortran — May 14th, 2024

TIOBE Index for May 2024: Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages
Fortran is in the spotlight again in part due to the increased interest in artificial intelligence.
May 7th, 2024Source

Programming — Fortran — Resources — A

A Collection of Optimization Algorithms in Fortran
and a Collection of Fortran Subroutines.
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A Physics 416 Fortran Tutorial
By Richard Kass.
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Makers of Pro Fortran, a Windows-based suite of Fortran development tools.
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ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum
FORTRAN Forum (not included in membership) Addresses the FORTRAN language, its uses, profitability, standardization, further evolution, and the implementation of FORTRAN processors. Published 3 times per year.
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Automatic Differentiation of Fortran.
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Advanced Fortran 90
By Timothy H. Kaiser, Ph.D.
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Apogee Software
is a provider of advanced software solutions for developers seeking the best in JavaTM and C/C++ programming environments and tools.
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Archives of COMP-FORTRAN-90
Search the archives, Post to the list.
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Arnaud's technical recipes
contains some technical information.
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Tool for automatic differentiation of a Fortran code.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — B

BCS Fortran Specialist Group
The Group was established in 1970 to provide an open forum for Fortran users.
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British Computer Society (BCS) Fortran Specialist Group
Site describes goals and activities of group and has presentations from meetings.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — C

Calling c from fortran
The Unix portable Fortran-77 compiler ('f77') is written almost entirely in C.
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Capturing output for printing
There are several ways to capture your program's output in a file.
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Carriage control
The Unix implementation of Fortran-77 does not support the ANSI-standard "carriage control" codes.
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Catalog of Compilers
For Fortran.
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CCP4 and Fortran 90
The CCP4 suite currently uses Fortran 77 with a few obsolescent features, and a few Fortran 90 extensions which are generally accepted by f77 compilers (IMPLICIT NONE, END DO, long names, etc.).
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Interfacing C or C++ and FORTRAN.
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Cleanscape FORTRAN-lint
FORTRAN-lint is a source-code analyzer that expedites and simplifies the debugging and maintenance of FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 90 programs.
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Cleanscape Software Source Code Analyzer Resource Center.
Cleanscape Source Code Analysis Resource Center shares with you the knowledge, experience and tools we've built during 20 years of being an innovative developer of static source code analyzers and software development automation solutions.
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Clive Page's list of Fortran Resources
Note that the Fortran77 Standard has long been superseded by Fortran90 and Fortran95.
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Cloudy's Journey from FORTRAN to C, Why and How
Cloudy is a large-scale plasma simulation code that is widely used across the astronomical community as an aid in the interpretation of spectroscopic data.
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Common Fortran Error Messages
When you execute your program, you may encounter run-time errors that are difficult to trace.
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Comparing Fortran with Root
On this page we show benchmark results using ROOT with a comparison with similar programs written in Fortran.
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Computers in Engineering 308-208
FORTRAN 90, C and Algorithms, by Gerald Ratzer.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — D

D System
a research project of the Parallel Programming Systems group at Rice University.
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Debugging your fortran program
You can minimize your debugging time by following a few specific rules.
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Do not use columns 73-80 in source file
If you encounter problems with unmatched parentheses or quotation marks or illegal continuation characters, the problems may be that you are not adhering to the Fortran conventions for column format.
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Doing Calls Between Languages (Tutorial)
Here is a tutorial on inter-calling between all sorts of different languages in Unix, courtesy of Chris Torek, U. of Maryland.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — E

Esprit HPF+ homepage
Extensions to HPF. Papers bibliography and compiler.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — F

Fortran to Python interface generator
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f90gl: Fortran interface for OpenGL amd Glut
f90gl is a public domain implementation of the official Fortran 90 bindings for OpenGL.
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Fortran to C header translator.
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FITSIO User's Guide
A Subroutine Interface to FITS Format Files for Fortran Programmers.
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Total Code analysis for FORTRAN.
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The First Successful High Level Programming Language — Invented by John Backus and IBM.
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Fortran & C
Mixing Fortran & C.
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Fortran — Lahey Computer Systems, Inc.
Fortran Compilers and Development Tools.
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Fortran 77 Codes
You can go to the the respective categories to check about available programs.
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Fortran 77 Programs Related to the Book
An Introduction to Computational Physics.
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FORTRAN 77 Reference
Although quite elderly as programming languages go, FORTRAN remains the pre-eminent "number-crunching" language.
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Fortran 77 Standard
Specification of the language.
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Fortran 77 Tutorial
Course Outline.
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Fortran 90 +
Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran 2000 — a WEB site on the way to more public domain utilities.
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Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer
This tutorial is written in order to ease the transition from the very common and popular programming language Fortran 77 to the more modern Fortran 90.
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Fortran 90 Tutorial
By Dr. C.-K. Shene, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University
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Fortran 90/95 Texts and Links
Tutorials, news, links.
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Fortran Code Generation
This example shows some of the pitfalls of naive use of symbolic computation.
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Fortran FAQ
There are reader questions on this topic.
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Fortran Formats
We have discussed the READ and WRITE statements. These are the so-called list-directed input/output statements.
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Fortran Forum
Addresses the Fortran language, its uses, profitability, standardization, further evolution, and the implementation of Fortran compilers. Published three times a year by the Association for Computing Machinery.
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Fortran I
Fortran was not then called a programming language; the manual describes "The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System for the IBM 704 EDPM."
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Fortran Library
A Free Technical Programming Resource
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Fortran Company (The)
Fortran-related products, training; links to information, free software, tools, consultants; by Unicomp.
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Fortran Market: Fortran Information
collection of documents, tutorials, benchmarks, and links.
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Fortran Modernization Project
Enhance codes to benefit from modern software engineering techniques.
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Fortran Multi-processing Application Development
Writing programs that run on multiple processors and take maximum advantage of the hardware can be a complex task.
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Fortran Resources
Let the Lahey online source checker diagnose hitherto undetected programming errors in your code, whether it's spaghetti pre-77 code or nice fresh Fortran 90 or 95. Detects
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Fortran Resources and Compilers
Comprehensive list of Fortran links compiled by H. D. Knoble.
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Fortran Tutorial
Fortran 77 and Numerical software.
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Fortran Workshop:
An Introduction to Fortran77.
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Free Fortran Compilers
There are a number of free Fortran 77 and 90 compilers available on the net.
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Free Programming Resources
Free Fortran Tutorials and Fortran Programming Examples.
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Free Software and Patches
for Fortran.
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is a static analyzer for Fortran 77 programs.
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is a library that allows you to make calls to the XDR (eXternal Data Representation) routines from Fortran.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — G

Get started using the debugger DBX
How to get started using the debugger DBX.
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GNU Fortran 95
The GNU Fortran 95 project, or gfortran, is developing a Fortran 95 compiler front end, as well as runtime libraries, for GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection.
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GNU Fortran G77 for Win32
is a free Fortran compiler produced by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — H

Handling Arithmetic Errors in Fortran 2000
Article by Jeanne Adams discussing various aspects of the exception-handling technical report.
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Help for Fortran and Fortran90 Programming
Brief Review of F77.
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High Performance Computing: UCLA Plasma Simulation Group
Links to papers on Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran 90, Optimization techniques for RISC processors, Parallel Particle-in-Cell Codes, Parallel Computing Tutorial, and Modernization of Fortran Legacy Codes.
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How widely used is HPF?
There are currently 34 listed HPF applications.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — I

Implementation of Object-Oriented Design with Fortran Language in beam Dynamics Studies
By J. Qiang, R. Ryne, and S. Habib R. Ryne, LANL, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA
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Incorporating Fortran functions into Matlab
What is wrong with trying to use the .MEX method of incorporating Fortran functions into Matlab as subroutines?
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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 (Fortran)
Welcome to the official home of Fortran Standards
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — J

J3 — Fortran Standards
J3 is the US Fortran standards committee, a technical subcommittee of the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS), formerly known as the National Committee for Information Technology Standards.
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Java/C/C++/Fortran Makefile
A simple replacement for Ant.
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Jeff's Fortran Code
Programs and Subroutines.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — L

Lahey Computer Systems
Fortran 77 and 90 Language Systems for DOS and Windows.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — M
is a technical computing portal for all scientific and engineering needs.
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MatrixMarket I/O Functions for Fortran (F77/F90)
Matrix Market provides Fortran subroutines for three basic Matrix Market file I/O functions: mminfo, mmread, and mmwrite.
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Microsoft FORTRAN Version Features
This document lists brief descriptions of current and older Microsoft FORTRAN compilers and tools for the PC, along with a brief list of features and notes.
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Mixing C and Fortran on the SP
Routines written in Fortran and C/C++ can be mixed in a single program.
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More on what is GNU Fortran?
The g77 compiler is a combination of a front end that translates Fortran source programs and a back end that uses the results of the translation to make an object or executable file that performs the actions specified by the source programs when run.
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Multiple Precision Computation
FMLIB is a package of Fortran routines for real and complex arithmetic and elementary functions.
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Multiprecision Software Directory
This web site contains the double-double precision, quad-double precision and arbitrary precision software.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — N

NAG's Fortran 90 Library
Considerable care has been devoted to improving the user-interface to the procedures in the NAG Fortran 90 Library.
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Innovative Computing Solutions.
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Notes on FORTRAN Programming
User Notes on FORTRAN Programming (An open cooperative practical guide).
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Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)
Libraries, compilers, tools, information, software for statistics, visualization, symbolic calculation, simulation.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — O

Object-oriented programming in Fortran 2000
The Fortran J3 committee is currently working on drafting a proposal and is coming closer to a complete draft.
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Objexx — Fortran to C++ Conversion
Service to convert Fortran 77 to fully ANSI/ISO compliant C++ to preserve the value of the code and existing documentation.
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Obtaining a printed copy of compilation errors
The error messages are written to "standard error".
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Obtaining a printed copy of error messages
Enabling the debug printout is another way of getting information, but many times there is so much data that the information you want can easily get lost.
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Open Watcom — Portable Compilers and Tools
Your home on the web for the Open Watcom compilers and tools!
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OpenMP: Simple, Portable, Scalable SMP Programming
The OpenMP Application Program Interface (API) supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran on all architectures, including Unix platforms and Windows NT platforms.
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OpenMP: Specifications
Fortran 2.0 Specification Available. the OpenMP ARB has released version 2.0 of the OpenMP Fortran API.
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OS/8 Fortran
Fortran Help.
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Other Fortran Resources
Free Software.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — P

Part One: FORTRAN the Early "Turning Point"
The history of FORTRAN programming language.
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Perl for Fun and Fortran
I have several Perl scripts which I find useful when working with Fortran programs.
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Programming approach that eases the task of writing parallel programs for massively parallel computers by providing constructs to coordinate non-local memory accesses. at Pfortran's center is an operator that specifies the location of off-processor variables and an operator for aggregate operations.
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Graphics Subroutine Library.
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Polyhedron Software
Fortran, C, C++ compilers, tools and libraries, Mathematica.
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Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran77
By Clive G. Page, University of Leicester, UK.
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Programming Courses
Programming in Fortran 77 & Fortran 95 Training Course. from PTR Associates Ltd.
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Programming in Fortran
Fortran in its most popular language level.
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Programming in FORTRAN
FORTRAN was designed for scientists and engineers, and has dominated this field.
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PSTI Research Lecture Series
"Scientific Computing with Fortran 95", by DR. Viktor K. Decyk.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — R

Redirecting Input/Output
It is often desirable to route program input and output from files instead of the terminal.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — S

Translator and runtime library. Source code and research papers.
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Simulated Annealing
Global Optimization Method that Distinguishes Between Different Local Optima.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — T

The definition of FORTRAN
FORTRAN stands for formula translation and is the oldest computer language in the world.
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The Fortran Company
is the place to find outstanding products, services, and general information related to the Fortran programming language.
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The Fortran Company
Site contains products, services, and general information related to the Fortran programming language. offers products, services, training and freeware.
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The g77 Page
Using and porting GNU Fortran.
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The G95 Project
G95 it's free crunch time.
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The GNU Fortran Language
GNU Fortran supports a variety of extensions to, and dialects of, the Fortran language.
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The High Performance Fortran User Group (HUG)
is an informal group that was set up as a forum for High Performance Fortran (HPF) users to exchange and disseminate information about HPF, e.g. HPF program development, tools, compilers, training, benchmarking and performance evaluation, research etc.
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The Portland Group PGI Parallel Fortran, C and C++ Compilers and Tools
High-performance Fortran, C, and C++ compilers and tools for high-end computing systems and X86 processor-based workstations, servers, and clusters
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Tutorial on calls between languages
Here is a tutorial on inter-calling between all sorts of different languages in Unix, courtesy of Chris Torek, U. of Maryland.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — U

Using and Porting GNU Fortran
g77 supports certain constructs that have different meanings in VXT Fortran than they do in the GNU Fortran language.
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Using C and C++ with Fortran
from the Department of Mathematics — University of Utah.
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Using f77-c to do separate compilations
To separately compile Fortran modules before linking them together, use the '-c' option to the 'f77' compiler.
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Using fortran at ECN
To use Fortran at ECN, you should do the following.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — W

What is Fortran?
A word definition from the Webopedia Computer Dictionary.
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What is GNU Fortran?
GNU Fortran 77 (g77) Legacy Site.
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Programming — Fortran — Resources — Y

YoLinux Tutorial: Using C and Fortran together
This tutorial covers mixing C and FORTRAN together, allowing C to call FORTRAN functions and FORTRAN to call C functions.
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