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133 Programming — CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Entries

Programming — HTML — CSS — July 19th, 2024

CSS Stuff I'm Excited After the Last CSSWG Meeting
From June 11--13, the CSS Working Group (CSSWG) held its second face-to-face meeting of the year in Coruña, Spain, with a long agenda of new features and improvements coming to language.
July 19th, 2024Source

Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size
WCAG provides guidance for making interactive elements more accessible by specifying minimum size requirements. In fact, the requirements are documented in two Success Criteria: 2.5.5 and 2.5.8. Despite this, WCAG can be difficult to achieve due to a number of misconceptions about the requirements. In this article, Eric Bailey discusses the nuances of interactive element sizes and clarifies what it looks like to provide accessible interactive experiences using WCAG-compliant target sizes.
July 19th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — July 5th, 2024

Getting Started With Microsoft Tool Playwright for Automated Testing
In this blog, we will deep dive into the various features of Playwright and how we can perform end-to-end testing with Playwright with detailed examples.
July 5th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — June 28th, 2024

Transitioning to Auto Height
I know this is something Chris has wanted forever, so it’s no surprise he’s already got a fantastic write-up just a day after the news broke. In fact, I first learned about it from his post and was unable to dredge up any sort of announcement. So, I thought I’d jot some notes down because it feels like a significant development.
June 28th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — June 24th, 2024

Chris' Corner: Esoteric Stuff in CSS
Listen I ain't trying to scare you, but this CSS stuff can get complicated. It doesn't have to be. CSS is just selectors with key value pairs in the end. The vast majority of CSS I write is pretty darn straightforward, especially once you have a general system (what files go where? how do we generally name things? how do we do variables?). But fair is fair, CSS can get wildly complex. It doesn't help the complexity situation that anything new added increases that complexity, because, well, everything in CSS affects everything else. Selectors can get confusing and nesting can exacerbate that. Variables can get changed at any time and it's not always clear from where. The situation on the page (sizing, events, settings) can effect what's happening in CSS in increasingly bigger ways (querying containers, querying user preferences). If you want to push the edges of what CSS can do, now is the time.
June 24th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — June 14th, 2024

What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For?
What are these CSS Container Style Queries, and why should you use them? Juan Diego Rodríguez delves deeply into style queries, and not at the syntax level, but at what exactly they are solving and what sort of use cases you would find yourselves reaching for them in your work if and when they gain browser support.
June 14th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — June 10th, 2024

CSS Container Queries
The main idea of CSS Container Queries is to register an element as a "e;container"e; and apply styles to other elements when the container element meets certain conditions.
June 10th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — June 7th, 2024

Useful CSS Tips And Techniques
The times for CSS have probably never been more exciting than today. In this quick read, we've got some useful CSS tips and techniques for you that you can apply to your work right away. Let's dive deeper into self-modifying CSS variables, hanging punctuation, and more.
June 7th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — May 24th, 2024

Switching It Up With HTML's Latest Control
After years of relying on checkbox hacks to create a "e;switch"e; control for forms that toggle between two states, HTML may be gaining a native way to go about it by adding a switch attribute to checkbox inputs. Development has been years in the making, but Safari recently pushed the matter by releasing support for the attribute — as well as new pseudo-elements for styling hooks — in Safari Technology Preview 185 and Safari 17.4. Daniel Yuschick walks us through a first impression of switch controls and discusses current and ongoing considerations that need to be explored further before it is ready for prime time.
May 24th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — May 13th, 2024

The Times You Need A Custom @property Instead Of A CSS Variable
Custom properties and CSS variables are often used interchangeably when describing placeholder values in CSS despite the fact that they are different but related concepts. Preethi Sam walks through an example that demonstrates where custom properties are more suitable than variables while showcasing the greater freedom and flexibility that custom properties provide for designing complex, refined animations.
May 13th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — May 10th, 2024

The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes
Creating shapes using CSS is, without any doubt, a classic exercise. In many cases, we try to use hacky code and workarounds, but CSS has evolved, and we have modern ways to create CSS Shapes with clean, reusable code. In this comprehensive guide, Temani Afif explores different techniques for creating common shapes with the smallest and most flexible code possible.
May 8th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — April 19th, 2024

How To Work With GraphQL In WordPress In 2024
What options do we have for integrating GraphQL with WordPress in 2024? Leonardo Losoviz describes what developments have taken place in this space during the last three years.
April 19th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — April 17th, 2024

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript
What do you do when you need to convert plain text into formatted HTML? Perhaps you reach for Markdown or manually write in the element tags yourself. Or maybe you have one or two of the dozens of online tools that will do it for you. In this tutorial, Alexis Kypridemos picks those tools apart and details the steps for how we can do it ourselves with a little vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
April 17th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — April 15th, 2024

Bridging Design and Code: The Power of Penpot's CSS Grid Layout
Explore Penpot, the open-source platform enhancing design and development teamwork, now featuring the CSS Grid Layout for even more powerful and efficient project creation.
April 15th, 2024Source

Chris' Corner: Things I Like
I like Melanie Sumner's coining of the phrase Continuous Accessibility. To me, it's like a play on the term Continuous Integration (CI) that is very pervasive. We build CI pipelines to lint our code, test our code, and test our code primarily, but all sorts of things can be done.
April 15th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — April 5th, 2024

Managing User Focus with :focus-visible
This is going to be the 2nd post in a small series we are doing on form accessibility. If you missed the first post, check out Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes. In this post we are going to look at :focus-visible and how to use it in your web sites!
April 5th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — April 2nd, 2024

Infinite-Scrolling Logos In Flat HTML And Pure CSS
Remember the HTML element? It's deprecated, so it's not like you're going to use it when you need some sort of horizontal auto-scrolling feature. That's where CSS comes in because it has all the tools we need to pull it off. Silvestar Bistrović demonstrates a technique that makes it possible with a set of images and as little HTML as possible.
April 2nd, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — March 25th, 2024

Setting And Persisting Color Scheme Preferences With CSS And A "Touch" Of JavaScript
There are many ways to approach a "Dark Mode" feature that respects a user's system color scheme preferences and allows for per-site customization. With recent developments in CSS, core functionality that has always required JavaScript can now be done without it. Henry Bley-Vroman walks through a new possibility that leans into cutting-edge CSS, with minimal JavaScript to support persisting the user's color scheme preference across pages.
March 25th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — March 22nd, 2024

Accessible Forms with Pseudo Classes
Hey all you wonderful developers out there! In this post, I am going to take you through creating a simple contact form using semantic HTML and an awesome CSS pseudo class known as :focus-within. The :focus-within class allows for great control over focus and letting your user know this is exactly where they are in the experience. Before we jump in, let's get to the core of what web accessibility is.
March 22nd, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — March 1st, 2024

Modern CSS Tooltips And Speech Bubbles (Part 1)
Tooltips are a very common pattern used in CSS for years. There are a lot of ways to approach tooltips in CSS, though some evoke headaches with all the magic numbers they require. In this article, Temani Afif presents modern techniques to create tooltips with the smallest amount of markup and the greatest amount of flexibility.
March 1st, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — February 28th, 2024

Servo Improves Its Experimental Support For HTML Tables, More CSS Features
The Servo web engine project has put out a new blog post that outlines all of their accomplishments made during the course of February.
February 28th, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — January 16th, 2024

The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property
The CSS * border-image * property is one of those properties you undoubtedly know exists but may not have ever reached for. Or maybe you have reached for it but found all of its slicing logic difficult and cumbersome.
January 16, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — January 11th, 2024

Top Front-End Tools Of 2023
Who doesn't love a good front-end tool? In this roundup, you'll find useful front-end tools that were popular last year and will help you speed up your development workflow.
January 11, 2024Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — December 29th, 2023

Introduction to Shaders in Godot 4
Shaders are powerful tools that allow developers to customize the look and feel of their games in endless ways. This article will go over the basics of writing fragment and vertex shaders in Godot 4. You'll learn techniques to create your own visual effects.
December 29, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — December 22nd, 2023

The View Transitions API And Delightful UI Animations (Part 1)
The View Transitions API is a new — but game-changing — feature that allows us to do the types of reactive state-based UI and page transitions that have traditionally been exclusive to JavaScript frameworks. In the first part of this mini two-part series, Adrian Bece thoroughly explains why we need the API and demonstrates its basic usage.
December 22, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — December 11th, 2023

Chris' Corner: More Surprising Powers of CSS
Kilian Valkhof has a good one this week, You don't need JavaScript for that, as part of the HTMLHell yearly Advent Calendar (of blog posts). He opens with the rule of least power:
December 11, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — November 30th, 2023

Is Tailwind CSS Worth Trying in 2024?
Separate the hype from the facts
November 30, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — November 20th, 2023

What's Coming to CSS in 2023-2024?
The article previews transformative CSS updates in 2023-24 aimed at boosting web design responsiveness, code simplicity, and overall user experience.
November 20, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — November 6th, 2023

Chris' Corner: Buttons, Modes, and a Couple of Layout Situations That Are Still a Bit Tricky
If you ever need some inspiration for buttons, definitely check out Lucas Bonomi's This is a better-than-it-needs-to-be one-off site just for beautiful buttons:
November 6, 2023Source

Deno 1.38 features HTML documentation, hot module replacement
The latest updates enhance documentation and client-side navigation in Deno and the Fresh web framework.
November 6, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 24th, 2023

Enhance Testing Workflows With HTML Allure Reports in Cypress
Cypress is a fast and user-friendly JavaScript testing framework that generates detailed Allure reports with screenshots.
October 24, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 20th, 2023

How To Choose Typefaces For Fintech Products: Best Practices Guide (Part 2)
Finding the right typeface is tricky as a whole. Dividing the process into steps and having the right information at hand will make this journey a design adventure full of surprises. To avoid sinking into unnecessary details, use this guide as a map for your path. Review various font paraments and learn how to apply them to your designs.
October 20, 2023Source

Limitations of Scoped CSS
I was excited about Scoped CSS when frameworks like React and Vue introduced them a few years back.
October 20, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 18th, 2023

How To Animate Along A Path In CSS
CSS loaders and progress indicators are some of the most widely used examples in tutorials and documentation. There are so many ways to approach them. It's possible that some approaches may be "better" than others, but it also depends on what you want to accomplish. In this article, Preethi demonstrates an approach using animated custom properties, a conic gradient, CSS offset, and emoji to create the illusion of a scooter racing along a donut track.
October 18, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 13th, 2023

An Introduction to Native CSS Nesting
Nesting is one of the core reasons for using a CSS preprocessor such as Sass. The feature has now arrived in standard browser CSS with a similar syntax. Can you drop the preprocessor dependency from your build system?
October 13, 2023Source

How to Create Printer-friendly Pages with CSS
In this article, we review the art of creating printer-friendly web pages with CSS.
October 13, 2023Source

How to Implement Pagination with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
On the Web, pagination is a way to break up large pieces of content into more bite-sized pieces. In this article, we'll look at a simple way to divide content into a series of "pages" using HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript.
October 13, 2023Source

Responsive CSS Layout Grids without Media Queries
The foundation for many sites continues to be a layout grid, whether that's composed of Grid or Flexbox. In this excerpt from Unleashing the Power of CSS: Advanced Techniques for Responsive User Interfaces, we'll see how both of these tools provide ways to create fluidly responsive layout grids without media queries.
October 13, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 5th, 2023

Resizing Images On-The-Fly
In this post, we described how to use Apache APISIX with imgproxy to reduce the storage cost of images in multiple resolutions.
October 5, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — October 2nd, 2023

Chris' Corner: Things I Totally Didn't Know About That I Learned From Taking the State of HTML 2023 Survey
Lea Verou helped craft the State of HTML 2023 Survey — the first of it's kind! HTML, you say? What is there to ask? HTML isn't exactly what I'd think of as a fast-moving technology. I hear there is a element now, so that's new. It's sugar for

October 2, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — September 25th, 2023

Chris' Corner: Better CSS Animation
There was a (long) time when it didn't exist, though. My old buddy Jonathan Snook wrote in 2007 that he didn't like the idea of animation coming to CSS at all, but had changed his mind by 2009.
September 25, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — September 22nd, 2023

How to Create a CSS Typewriter Effect for Your Website
In this article, you'll learn how to make your website's text dynamic and more engaging using typewriter effects in pure CSS.
September 22, 2023Source

The Path To Awesome CSS Easing With The linear() Function
With the new CSS linear() easing function on the horizon, the possibilities of what we can do to create natural-feeling animations and transitions in the future are greatly expanded. Jhey Tompkins looks at the current state of CSS easing in this article and demonstrates what we can expect from linear(), including handy tools to get your hands on it today.
September 22, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — September 20th, 2023

How to Create Printer-friendly Pages with CSS
"Who prints web pages?" I hear you cry! Relatively few pages will ever be reproduced on paper. But consider:
September 20, 2023Source

Intro to HTMX: Dynamic HTML without JavaScript
HTMX is the HTML extension syntax that replaces JavaScript with simple markup. It could change the course of web development.
September 20, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — August 28th, 2023

Falling For Oklch: A Love Story Of Color Spaces, Gamuts, And CSS
The CSS Color Module Level 4 specification defined a slew of new color features when it became a candidate recommendation in 2022. While the relative color() syntax (deservedly) gets the lion's share of attention, the introduction of two new color spaces — Oklab and Oklch — have widened the field of color we have to work with. This article explores the Oklch color space and how to start using it in CSS... today.
August 28, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — August 9th, 2023

Cracking the Code: 7 Secrets Every Web Developer Should Know
Master the craft with seven guarded revelations every web developer must grasp. Elevate your skills and prowess in the digital realm. Dive in now!
August 9, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — August 8th, 2023

Chris' Corner: Useful HTML and CSS Patterns

is one of the grand enemies of responsive design. They don't wrap (that wouldn't make much sense) so they can "blow out" the width of a mobile device pretty easily. The overflow property also doesn't work on them. So you gotta find a way, and it really depends on the data. Sometimes a row of table data is pretty independently useful (imagine a row of employee data) so making all the and
/ element display: block and stacking them works.
August 8, 2023Source

Programming — HTML — CSS — August 1st, 2023

CSS And Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice
It is challenging to accurately understand the preferences of over 7.8 billion people at any given time. Carie Fisher outlines which CSS media features are available for detecting user preferences and how they are used to design and build more inclusive experiences.
August 1, 2023Source

CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — A

Active Jump HTML Tutorial
Lessons on web page layout, font size and color, adding links, tables, lists, frames and forms. a practice pad is available.
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Advanced HTML
Offers a guide to HTML, including tables, and colors. Also JavaScript.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — B

Bare Bones Guide to HTML, The
Contains multilingual guides to HTML, the markup language in which Web pages are written.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — C

Cascading Style Sheets
W3C's overview of Web style sheets: CSS.
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Cascading Style Sheets Current Work
If you want to follow the development of CSS3, this page is the place to start. Publication descriptions are ordered roughly according to their priority within the working group.
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Coding Q&Amp;A with Chris Coyier: Code Smell and Type on a Grid
Howdy, folks! Welcome to the new incarnation of Smashing Magazine's Q&Amp;A. it's going to work like this: you send in questions you have about CSS, and at least once a month we'll pick out the best questions and answer them so that everyone can benefit from the exchange. your question could be about a very specific problem you're having, or it could be a question about a philosophical approach. We'll take all kinds.
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Complete HTML Character Entity Chart
Complete HTML Character Entity Chart
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Craig's HTML Page
HTML & XHTML lessons and tips.
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Creating An Affiliate Tracking Module in Magento
In this tutorial, we will create a Magento module that will capture an affiliate referral from a third-party source (e.g. an external website or newsletter) and include a HTML script on the checkout success page once this referral has been converted.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — D

Dave Arn's HTML Reference
A list of HTML tags and how they are used in a web page.
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Designing CSS Layouts with Flexbox is as Easy as Pie
Flexible box layout (or flexbox) is a new box model optimized for UI layout. as one of the first CSS modules designed for actual layout (floats were really meant mostly for things such as wrapping text around images), it makes a lot of tasks much easier, or even possible at all. Flexbox's repertoire includes the simple centering of elements (both horizontally and vertically), the expansion and contraction of elements to fill available space, and source-code independent layout, among others abilities.
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Design your web sites ideal navigation system and presentation effects with OpenCube's ready to implement DHTML — JavaScript effects.
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A biweekly how-to column on Dynamic HTML.
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Do Chub
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Dynamic Drive DHTML Code Library
A comprehensive DHTML code library.
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Dynamic HTML Index
Boasting the largest collection of DHTML links, this index organizes its pointers to answer commonly asked questions like what is Dynamic HTML and where can I learn how to use it?
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — E

EchoEcho.Com: HTML Tutorials
Covers both the basics and advanced HTML topics with an interactive message board for specific issues.
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Examware HTML Tutorials and Resources
An enormous range of free resources for those wanting to learn more about HTML.
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Extreme HTML Optimization — WebReference
Article on reducing HTML file size in order to maximize page display speed.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — F

Flamingo Lingo
Includes an HTML 4.0 tag list as well as lessons on Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML.
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Free HTML Tutorials — Tutorialized
A directory of web design lesson links, including HTML.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — G

Get Started with WordPress
Back when blogging was just catching on, a small PHP-based publishing system was quietly released and quickly took the blogging community by storm. WordPress, as the system was known, was an instant hit thanks to its simplicity and open-source license which allowed interested developers to extend and improve the system without hassle.
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Goodbye, Zen Coding. Hello, Emmet!
Back in 2009, Sergey Chikuyonok wrote an article to present a new way of writing HTML and CSS code. this revolutionary plugin, called Zen Coding, has helped many developers through the years and has now reached a new level.
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Guide to Cascading Style Sheets
The Web Design Group's guide to Cascading Style Sheets.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — H

House of Style
A comprehensive set of style sheets resources for the novice to the expert. guides, tutorials, articles, recipes, a gallery and more.
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HTML 2.0 DTD Reference
Lists and describes the different parts of the HTML 2.0 Document Type Definition.
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HTML 3.2 Reference
All the tags in specification, including information on usage and limitations.
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HTML 4.0 Reference
This HTML reference by the Web Design Group has several HTML tag lists.
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HTML 4.0 Working Draft Release, The
Completely free, the HTML 4.0 working draft is available — courtesy of the WWW Consortium — in a number of formats: HTML online, a plain text file, HTML as a gzip'd tar or a zip file (~248Kb), as well as a 2.4MB postscript file or a 260-page PDF.
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A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
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HTML 5 differences from HTML 4
HTML 5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. "HTML 5 differences from HTML 4" describes the differences between HTML 4 and HTML 5 and provides some of the rationale for the changes. this document may not provide accurate information as the HTML 5 specification is still actively in development. When in doubt, always check the HTML 5 specification itself.
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HTML 5 Elements
The table shows the 104 elements currently in the HTML5 working draft and two proposed elements (marked with an asterisk).
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HTML 5 from TBray
It's all over the news these days, because it's a Good Thing: the Web will be smarter and faster and better. and for other reasons involving politics and vituperation. I love parts of HTML5, but it's clear that other parts are a science project. and as a sometime standards wonk, I'm puzzled by aspects of the way the spec (not the language, the spec for the language) is put together.
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HTML 5 Security Cheatsheet
What your browser does when you look away..
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HTML by Example
Alphabetical listings of all HTML tags and explanations, inlcuding examples of how to use them.
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HTML Center
Features beginning to advanced HTML lessons. Included is a special tutorial for HTML 4.0. other programming languages covered are CSS, DHTML, and VRML.
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Maintained by the Web Design Group to provide Web authoring reference material, tips, and answers to frequently asked questions.
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HTML Help Center
Covers basic to advanced HTML topics. There is an HTML tag list. Also, covered are Cascading Style Sheets.
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HTML Help Online
The beginner's guide to web site development. Easy to understand step by step levels of learning. Includes quick reference to HTML codes.
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HTML School
HTML School is an award winning, well organized, and easy to understand HTML tutorial with lots of working examples and source code.
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HTML Station — List of HTML 4 Elements
This document links you to reference information and demonstrations of HTML elements. You'll find examples, syntax summaries, and links to supporting and reference info.
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Tips and tricks for new and experienced webmaster.
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HTML Tips and Tricks
Stylesheets, forms, fading, background colour and sound, bullets, aligning text, hit counter, marquees, Java dialog boxes, and preventing browsers from caching.
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HTML Writer's Guild
Comprised of more than 50,000 professionals and hobbyists in over 100 countries worldwide, the guild invites beginners and experts alike to accept the basic free membership and take advantage of the numerous member resources and benefits.
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Html5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
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Tutorials, tips, and software reviews.
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HyperText Markup Language — W3C
The official W3C HTML page. Includes full information on HTML, and links to all the specifications.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — I

Idocs Guide to HTML
Featured are brief lessons on HTML. Included is a tag list and webpage building resource list.
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Independence Day: HTML5 WebSocket Liberates Comet from Hacks
A recent set of HTML5 discussions are changing the course of Comet. First, a recap of the last two years of Comet: with long-polling we set the bar to cross-browser push.
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Index DOT CSS Style Sheets Guide
Properties index, history, and links. Part of Index DOT HTML by Brian Wilson.
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Index Dot HTML
The advanced HTML reference. Repositories and references for technical information about the HTML and CSS languages.
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Internet Brothers
Tutorials, including examples, covering HTML and DHTML, graphics editing, site promotion, digital photography, and desktop publishing.
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Introducing the
Content management tools and designing web pages using XML, articles and news about XML.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — J

Jan's Guide to HTML
Beginning to advanced HTML tags are discussed as well as JavaScript and SSI.
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JavaScript Pagebuilder
Creates almost all HTML tags and can create detailed cascading style sheets.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — L

Site demonstrating the possibilities of DHTML. Includes the chart where DHTML and Javascript resources are ranked based on visitor's votes.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — M

McJeff's Welcome to HTML 101
Broken into 8 separate classes, this free HTML course not only instructs but also provides a variety of graphics and other material to use in projects.
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Media Queries Are not the Answer: Element Query Polyfill
Responsive Web design has transformed how websites are designed and built. It has inspired us to think beyond device classifications and to use media queries to adapt a layout to the browser's viewport size. This, however, deviates from the hierarchical structure of CSS and characterizes elements relative to the viewport, instead of to their container.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — N

Need Scripts
One stop Web Development Resource providing reviews and articles.
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Notepad's Web Design — a Good Place to Start Learning HTML
Basic tags, colour codes, email url, fonts, tables, frames, forms, scripts, and some article on general web design.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — P
HTML tutorials for the rest of us.
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Platform for Internet Content Selection
A system for using invisible tags to mark Web sites. Hosted by the W3 consortium, PICS is working to establish a standard for "associating metadata with Internet content." Employers might want to take a look at this exciting new management tool.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — P

CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — R

Ron's DTP/HTML Tutorials
Tutorials on HTML and DTP.
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Ron's HTML Code Lab
Features lessons on how to use the basic tags as well as some advanced usage, such as frames and image maps.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — S

Setting Weights and Styles with the @font-face Declaration
If people are on your website, they're probably either skimming quickly, looking for something, or they've found what they're looking for and want to read it as easily as possible. Either way, keeping text readable will help them achieve their goal.
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Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi
Spice up your Web pages with Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi's hot tips.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — T

technical solution for you
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Ted's Comprehensive HTML Tutorial
Short lessons on each HTML tag. Tables and forms are also discussed.
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The HTML5 test — how well does your browser support HTML5?
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Tips, Tricks, how to, and Beyond
Simply put, this site was designed to help budding programmers create a better Web page.
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Tizag HTML Tutorial
Detailed HTML lessons.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — U

Using HTML Threading in Email
Abstracts on HTML threading in email.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — W

W3C's HTML Home Page
This official resource hosted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) points to specifications for HTML 4.0, authoring guidelines, the W3C HTML Validation Service, useful discussion forums and related items.
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W3Schools HTML 4.01 Tag Reference
Complete HTML 4.01 tag and attribute reference with examples.
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W3Schools HTML Tutorial
Features short lessons and quizzes covering HTML as well as other markup languages. the latest standards are discussed, also.
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W3Schools Web Tutorials
Features short lessons and quizzes covering HTML as well as other markup languages.
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Web Design Group: An Overview of HTML tags.
An alphabetical list of HTML tags in the Wilbur specification.
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Web Development Tutorials
Covers lessons on tables and frames. Included are some copy and paste JavaScript codes and some resource HTML links.
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Web Page Mistakes
Reviews common website mistakes and design problems with solutions.
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Web Style Guide
This site contains a guide to Web-site building, including info on design, site organization and an HTML tag primer.
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Web Style Sheets
The W3C Style Page.
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News and Resources for Web developers.
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Developer's Guide to the Web & Webmastery.
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CSS, HTML, DHTML and KHTML Programming — X
All About XML and how to Use It.
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