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165 Programming — PHP Entries

Programming — PHP — October 22nd, 2024

PHP Opcode: Improve Application Performance Without Changing Your Code
Learn how little syntax tips can automatically optimize the PHP code execution performance without the need of complex refactoring.
October 23rd, 2024Source

Programming — PHP — July 9th, 2024

PHP 8.2.21 and 8.3.9 for Debian 11 and 12
Ondřej Surý has released PHP 8.2.21 and 8.3.9 packages for both Debian GNU/Linux 11 and 12.
July 9th, 2024Source

Programming — PHP — July 2nd, 2024

PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 released
Saki Takamachi announced the first alpha version of PHP 8.4.0 for testing. PHP 8.4.0 Alpha 1 includes various enhancements to BCMath, Core, Curl, Date, DOM, FPM, FTP, GD, Gettext, Hash, IMAP, Intl, and IMAP. BCMath has been enhanced with the addition of bcfloor, bcceil, and bcround, while Core now includes zend_call_stack_get support for NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Solaris, and Haiku.
July 2nd, 2024Source

Programming — PHP — June 7th, 2024

PHP fixes critical RCE flaw impacting all versions for Windows
A new PHP for Windows remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability has been disclosed, impacting all releases since version 5.x, potentially impacting a massive number of servers worldwide.
June 7th, 2024Source

Programming — PHP — April 12th, 2024

PHP version 8.1.28, 8.2.18 and 8.3.6
RPMs of PHP version 8.3.6 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 38 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...) and in the remi-php83 repository for EL 7.
April 12th, 2024Source

TIOBE Index News (April 2024): PHP"s Popularity Declining
The top three programming languages – C++, C and Python – remain the same, while Fortran rises.
April 12th, 2024Source

PHP Programming — Resources — Numbers

9 Useful PHP Functions and Features you Need to Know
Even after using PHP for years, we stumble upon functions and features that we did not know about. some of these can be very useful, yet underused. not all of us have read the manual and the function reference from cover to cover!
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PHP Programming — Resources — A

A PHP class that provides LDAP authentication with Active Directory.
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A user authentication class based on MySQL and the PHP Session functions. It was written for Web sites that need some password protected areas. It includes a user management application script and a MySQL table setup application script.
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Several scripts including a discussion forum, 404 not found page searching for similar pages, and hierarchical menus.
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Offering PHP auction, Web-based reverse auction, classified ads and web store software products. Also provide PHP customizations, script installations and PHP/MySQL hosting services.
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AutoIndex PHP Directory Lister
Creates a list of the files in a directory on a website, and lets you browse/download them in Windows Explorer-like way.
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AzDG — Azerbaijan Development Group
PHP and MySQL based scripts, including AzDGDating, AzDGVote, AzDGGuestbook.
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PHP Programming — Resources — B

Encodes images and generates PHP code that represents the image.Makes it possible to embed an image inside a PHP script.
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A PHP software which gathers RSS and Atom feeds into a layout similar to the LiveJournal Friends page. Currently, it only works with feeds from Blogger (blogspot) and LiveJournal.
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Build your own Web Service with PHP and XML-RPC
Harry takes us one step further into the world of Web Services. Here he explains how to build your own Web Service — a news feed — using PHP and XML-RPC.
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Building Apache and PHP
Step by step tutorials describing how to build Apache & PHP on various Unix flavours, including how to build every component and library they depend on.
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PHP Programming — Resources — C

chumpsoft :: phpQuestionnaire
An online survey builder with detailed results reporting, a web-based admin interface and a completely customizable template system.Downloads the results in CSV or XML format.
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Classes and PHP (PHPBuilder)
A description in plain English of what classes are, and how they can make your project easier to complete and extend.
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Code Injection Vulnerabilities Explained
Code Injection is a term used when code is injected straight into a program/script from an outside source for execution at some point in time.
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Comprehensible PHP Code (PHPBuilder)
A good programmer makes her code look so simple and comprehensible that any other programmer can understand it and appreciate it.
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Comprehensive Web Programming API
A comprehensive library of PHP classes and functions for building secure scalable web applications.Includes configuration, templates and 'DSN' style database management.
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Configuration Manipulation with PHP Config (Dev Shed)
This article introduces a toolkit designed specifically for manipulating configuration files, thereby reducing the number of lines of code needed to read and modify application variables. this toolkit is written in PHP and implemented as a class, suitable for use in any PHP-based application and accessible via standard OO techniques.
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CounterCode Enterprise
A script for running own web counter / statistics service.
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PHP Programming — Resources — D

Database Abstraction with PHP (Dev Shed)
Take a look at the PEAR database abstraction layer, one of the coolest PHP widgets out there.
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Date and Time Script
A simple PHP script that outputs a gif picture with the current date and time.
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Ded Serious
Installation instructions for Apache PHP module and MySQL.
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Customer support management software with both web and email access.
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DeveloperFusion — PHP
Tutorials, tools and source code for using PHP — covering the absolute basics, databases, templating, and cookies.
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Devshed — Searching with PHP and ht://Dig
Adds search capabilities to site using the popular open source tools PHP3 and ht://Dig.
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A (mostly) CSS 2.1-compliant HTML to PDF converter. Written using PHP5.
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Dynamic PHP Menu Script
Free PHP menu script that determines the current page and changes the menu to gray out and make an inactive grey link. all with PHP — no javascript.
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PHP Programming — Resources — E

eLouai Scripts
Free downloadable PHP scripts. Includes shopping cart, users online, users counter, BBCode parser, force file downloads. Also DHTML code samples.
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Offer free PHP scripts, including EP-Dev Counter, EP-Dev Whois, EP-Dev Forum News. Also provide Invision Board (IBF)mods.
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EPIware Project Management
Securely establishes an intranet in minutes allowing for document sharing and collaboration.
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PHP Programming — Resources — F

File and Directory Manipulation, Part 1 (Dev Shed)
PHP comes with a full-featured file and directory manipulation API that allows you (among other things) to view and modify file attributes, read and list directory contents, alter file permissions, retrieve file contents into a variety of native data structures, and search for files based on specific patterns. this file manipulation API is both powerful and flexible — two characteristics that will endear it to any developer who's ever had to work with file manipulation commands.
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File and Directory Manipulation, Part 2 (Dev Shed)
This second segment of the tutorial on the PHP filesystem API takes you into deeper waters, showing you how to copy, delete and rename files; scan directories; work with uploaded files over HTTP; perform pattern matches on file names; and read and write to processes instead of files.
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Five Star Review Script
An Amazon-style review script allows users to rank a product or item on a scale of 1-5 stars and make comments related to the product for other users to read.
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Professional PHP/MySQL scripts (PHPGallery, PHPMembers, PHPThumbs, PHPRevisit, PHPMyBackup).
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Free Php Scripts
A directory of free PHP scripts such as forums, photo galleries, CMS, and e-commerce solutions. Each script has demo so it can be tested prior to downloading.
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A library for generating and parsing Macromedia Flash(rm) (SWF) files.
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Frequently Asked Questions Engine
An open source PHP system which lets you make your FAQ dynamic in nature, easier to maintain, and searchable.
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PHP Programming — Resources — G

GeSHi — Generic Syntax Highlighter
Advanced generic syntax highlighter class for PHP. GeSHi features XHTML compliant output with CSS.
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GIS Mapping in PHP
A series of tutorials on using PHP to access GIS mapping information. the tutorials start with the basics, build on them, and provide many examples for more complex functions.
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Free PHP scripts, tutorials, guestbook.
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Geek Code Decoder
Generator and decoder. the defacto tagline for internet geeks.
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Useful PHP web site tools such as Form Mail, Tell a Friend, Guestbook, Poll and Voting, and Counter Script. for each script a online demo has been installed.
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Offers PHP scripts: autosurf, traffic, advertisement, portals, online games and other MLM schemes scripts.
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PHP Programming — Resources — H

HIOX Free Scripts
Free PHP scripts including: Mail/Support Interface, Guest Book, Calendars, Rating System, Image Rotator, DB Query Tool, counters, Visitor Tracking, Calculator, Broken Link Analyser.
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Hitech scripts
Free comments manager, guestbook, sample counter, random password generator PHP script.
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Combines a whois script, order form, client management area, admin account management area, knowledge base. it's written in PHP. by Polyspaston Ltd.
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Site with over 5000 scripts for PHP, JavaScript, Perl, etc. Also includes lists of tutorials, remotely hosted sites.
Provides InformationSource : PHP Resources
PHP programming directory featuring scripts, programs, tutorials, and books.
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PHP Programming — Resources — I

A web based dyndns client availble in PERL and PHP versions.
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Offering PHP tools for MySQL and Ultradev programers.This company also offers PHP components to assist rapid development of enterprise ready PHP web applications.
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PHP Programming — Resources — J

System that caches dynamic PHP pages, significantly reducing server load.
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PHP Programming — Resources — K

Automatically generates the hyperlink to all the defined keywords on webpages, and update when pages changed, using PHP and MySQL. SourceForge project page.
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Makes ogg, mp3, wav, wma and other music files available as a streaming website.
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PHP Programming — Resources — L

LT Diagram Builder — PHP Version
Creates coordinate diagrams (charts/graphs) with bars, dots, lines, arrows, etc. Also as JavaScript and ASP version available.
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PHP Programming — Resources — M

Manual Quick Reference
Quick reference that lists all PHP functions.
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MD Web
MD contact application to use on website so that visitors can contact webmaster easily.MD News, a database driven PHP script that will allow to easily put news updates on site.
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MD5 Checksum File Parser PHP Class
Free PHP class that helps to parse and output checksums from the files generated by checksum checkers like md5sum utility.
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Mega Upload
A progress bar for PHP uploads. Perl, JSP versions are exit also.
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Mojo Webstats
A simple web statistics tool.It uses Javascript, PHP and MySQL to process web statistics.Includes date/time, document location and title, ip address and hostname, browser version, visitor resolution, and referrer.
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An PHP/MySql based application which goal is to manage a photo album on the Web.
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PHP Programming — Resources — N

Need Scripts
One stop Web Development Resource providing reviews and articles.
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A Web-based audio streaming jukebox for digital music collection. Supports a wide variety of audio formats, has several language translations, randomization features, private and shared playlists, ID3 and Ogg tags and image management.
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Web-based Winamp/httpQ media jukebox offering a number of features including the ability to play music and video from any computer in a network. Features real-time MP3/OGG streaming from different audio formats.
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New to PHP 5.4: Traits
As a long-time internals.php mailing list reader I am going to tell you a small secret — the first alpha release for PHP 5.4 should be just around the corner. this release is packed with some welcome new language features, usual bug fixes followed by some performance and memory management improvements. One of the noteworthy language additions are Traits — a brand new horizontal code reuse mechanism.
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PHP Programming — Resources — O

O'Reilly Network: PHP DevCenter
O'Reilly Network's source for PHP developer news and information.
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Official PHP Faq
A list of Frequently Asked Questions about PHP and their answers.
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A web based ERP solution written in PHP (runs on any system SQL database). It has tips and solutions that can help other programmer complete there mission faster and more professional.
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A PHP, MySQL and HTML programming resource site, with tutorials, code snippets and articles.
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PHP Programming — Resources — P

PEAR: PHP Extension and Add-on Repository
PEAR is a code repository for PHP extensions and PHP library code inspired by TeX's CTAN and Perl's CPAN. PEAR contains code for common tasks such as database abstraction and error control.
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PHP Addiction
I wrote Tumblr, Instapaper, and Second Crack in PHP. I continue to use it because I know it extremely well, it's very easy to use and deploy, and it's nearly maintenance-free on servers. When you're a programmer forced to also be your own sysadmin, that's very attractive.
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PHP and Regular Expressions 101 (WebReference)
This tutorial steps through the POSIX-compliant regular expression functions in PHP in a straightforward manner.
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PHP Base Library (PHPLib)
A toolkit for PHP developers supporting them in the development of Web applications.
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The source for php developers with a variety of source codes and tutorials.
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PHP scripts, code snippets, tutorials, community forums, PHP help & tips.
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PHP Classes Repository
An experimental service that is intended to be a means of distribution of freely available programming classes of objects written the Web scripting language named PHP.
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PHP Common Mistakes and their Solutions
About the various security concerns and mistakes people make when developing, and their solutions.
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PHP Crazy
Articles, scripts, forums. Links.
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PHP Developers Network Forums
Resources for PHP developers.
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PHP Editors
PHP Editor reviews, ratings and user comments. PHP Programmers Contests, the PHP Programmers Help Forums.
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PHP Event Calendar
A PHP script extending web site's functilality with event sheduler or news archive. [Free for non-commercial use]
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PHP Feedback Form with Source Code
Tutorial for feedback, bug report, contact PHP forms includes all copy and paste code.
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PHP Ground
Directory PHP scripts. PHP and another scripting language tutorials, ebooks. Encyclopedia containing Internet terms glossary, extensions glossary, Internet acronyms.
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PHP bindings for GTK+.
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Help for PHP programmers. Useful links and resources for getting started with PHP programming.
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PHP Kitchen
A PHP developers' resource with tutorials and news focusing on OOP, Open Source and freelance.
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PHP Maniacs
PHP related links, newsgroups, script directory.
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PHP Manual
Complete and hyperlinked manual documents and explains all elements of PHP. Includes FAQ section and user comments.
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PHP Manual Listing
The official PHP manual explains and documents everything about PHP. Listed are the downloadable HTML and CHM versions, and a link to the online version. About 12 different languages are available.
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PHP MySQL Interactive Website Design
The lessons provided in this PHP/MySQL tutorial are short and simple. You'll learn to create and manipulate a simple database of names and birthdates.
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php Patterns
A repository of sample software design patterns written in PHP, to help developers get the most of PHP's object oriented features.
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PHP Riot
A web portal dedicated to PHP web development. It contains a variety of resources for PHP, MySQL, PostGreSQL, Apache, including scripts, programs, applications, tutorials, hints and tips, web hosting, publications and documentation.
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PHP RRDTool tutorial
A tutorial on using RRDTool's PHP extensions to gather data, report statistics, and generate graphs.
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PHP safe mode patch
This patch makes PHP's safe mode less restrictive, without being less secure and allows writing in directories, created by PHP when it is running as Apache module.
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PHP Security Guide
Guidance from the PHP Security Consortium on how to develop more secure applications.
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PHP Start4all
A collection of tutorials, scripts, database's, free PHP hosting and webservers.
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php TimeSheet
Timesheet/Timetracking organizer/scheduler using PHP and MySQL, can manage workers, projects, and companies, logging every-day come- and go-times, contracted hours, overtime, workspace and project-hours, attendance-time, holidays, create reports.
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PHP Tutorial (by Martin Geisler)
This tutorial is aimed at users who have no previous experience with programming in PHP or any other programming language.
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PHP Tutorial (Tizag)
A PHP tutorial that covers all the basics of PHP. It is geared towards web developers with little or no PHP experience.
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Php Wiki Project Page
WikiWikiWeb clone written in the server-side scripting language PHP.
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PHP-General Mailing list archive
About 150,000 php-general posts live here and it's growing by about 5000 per month.
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PHP bindings for GTK+.
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This site presents a searchable archive of PHP3 Scripts and Tutorials. Home of the PHP Developer Webring. Site both in German and English Languages.
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An alternative XSLT engine to the current PHP default XSL extension to transform XML documents using the GNOME XSLT C library.
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PHP/SWF Charts
A PHP/Flash tool to create attractive web charts from dynamic data.
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PHP3 Base Library
This free code library provides easy access to session management and authentication functions within PHP3.
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PHPaint v2.1
A very effective graphical interface for creating, manipulationg, and previewing images made "on the fly" using PHP, the GD Library, and the FreeType module.
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The source for php developers with a variety of source codes and tutorials.
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Webpage generator for Animal or Pet web-sites.Features an administrative interface that allows non-technical users to about their animals, or animals in general.
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A script for documentation PHP scripts in an intelligent manner.Similar to javaDoc.
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Help for PHP programmers.
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A loan calculator can be used to figure out regular payments of any kind of loan, based on the loan amount, loan length, interest rate and pay periodicity. phpLoanCalc uses template, and it can easily change its appearance for seamless integration with website.
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Script to create an online business directory. Includes administrative functionality.
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phpObjectForms Library
phpObjectForms is a fully object-oriented, highly customizable, easily extendable, library for creating and processing HTML forms without writing any HTML code.
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A live customer support system using PHP+MySQL+Flash to operate.
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An open source multiplayer fantasy role playing game driven by PHP and MySQL.
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An open source community and portal system using PHP and MySQL.
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PhpWiki Project Page
WikiWikiWeb clone written in the server-side scripting language PHP.
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PHTML Encoder
(ex-"PHP Encoder") allows to encode PHP scripts before distributing it.The script code saving with use cryptography.
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A simple script that will help to create (and manage) FAQ page on site.It is based on PHP, MySQL and FastTemplate so it's fast and easy in configuration.
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Planet PHP
A close to complete list of all important PHP related weblogs.
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A SMS gateway application written in PHP and is utilizing Gnokii to control mobile phones and send/receive SMS.
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Free PHP articles and tutorials, including form validation, login script, file upload, newsletter script.
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Presto Poll
A PHP coded poll script for a website. It doesn't need any SQL database and it has an admin center for modify all the settings.
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PHP Programming — Resources — Q

Quality Assurance Team
Voulonteer coders dedicated to providing coders with quality assurance.
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PHP Programming — Resources — R
PHP scripts aimed at novice webmasters. "RadChat" and "RadLinks" are available for download.
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Rampant Studios
Free PHP scripts includes Contact Form, Quick Notes, Recommend, Survey,Image Gallery. Also installation and programming services available.
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User authentication for multiple sites and pages through a single datasource and code base.
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Ravens PHP Scripts
KISGB (an advanced PHP guestbook), KISSQ (Keep It Simple Stock Quote), Nuke modules and patches, SQL tools.
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RChart Php Edition
Set of Php Classes for creating charts and graphs. It supports more than 18 types (linechart, piechart, barchart, radarchart, curves , gauges, 3D charts, Candlestick, areacharts) and combinations of them.
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An easy to use multi-file search and replace script for unix web servers.By PHP Labs.
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An cache engine for PHP programs.
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A free code which join FastTemplate and PHPlib's class (DB_Sql) to create an object system for a content management and viewer.A easy syntax to create one instance to access a complex queries and mapping the results to a set of templates.
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Converts RSS feeds to HTML for displaying on websites.
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PHP Programming — Resources — S

Saving Resources with phpCache (Website Publisher)
Tutorial explains how to implement the phpCache script and use it to keep your database server load low.
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A Comprehensive directory of links to resources no Webmaster should be without. Everything ranging from scripts written in Perl, PHP, ASP, Java, JavaScript, Flash and many more.
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Scripts for Sites
PHP scripts including classifieds, real estate, image hosting, domain registrants.
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Search Engine-Friendly URLs (Website Publisher)
Article describes three ways to make your URLs search engine friendly using PHP.
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An e-card program. Includes screenshots, documentation and testimonials.
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Simple Picture Gallery Manager
SPGM displays picture galleries on the web.
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SimpleRDF/PHP5 Parser
Simplifies parsing RDF/XML sources in PHP. [Open source, BSD license]
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SkinTech — Free PHP Scripts
A collection of free PHP scripts including phpNewsManager, phpWebMagazine, RateIt!, phpMyQuote, X-Changer, SkinMem, SkinBase.
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A powerful and easy configurated package that includes Object oriented Template Engine with its own Macrolanguage SP.TE and Database Engine (HTML forms input interface) SP.DE (FCSS sequel), designed to provide an interface layer between design, data itself (content) and data representation. [Shareware]
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A small set of PHP functions which provide facilities for writing and reading configuration for PHP scripts.Using MySQL as the backend.
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SQL Injection [Chris Shiflett: Security Corner]
Most Web applications interact with a database, and the data stored therein frequently originates from users. Thus, when creating an SQL statement, a developer may use client data in its construction. this article explains SQL injection by looking at a few example attacks and then introducing some simple and effective methods for prevention. by applying these best practices, you can practically eliminate SQL injection from your list of security concerns.
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Provides PHP scripts including a form mail script, an image gallery and a guestbook script.
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stardevelop Live Help
A PHP, mySQL based customer support solution that provides a real time chat service for online customers.
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PHP Programming — Resources — T

technical solution for you
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Template Example with PHP Includes
Show how to use 'php includes' inside a template.
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The PHP Resource Index
Site with complete script, code snippets, documentation and other PHP related resources. in affiliation with Around 700 entries
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The Stickybeak
Uses dynamically generated images to provide a cross domain logging solution. the system utilizes P3P architecture to allow a single cookie to identify users across multiple domains.
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Provide free PHP scripts, such as guestbooks, hit counters, directory lister, as well as handy snippets of code for use in PHP programming.
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An advanced website traffic analysis application with extensive statistics report pages, path analysis, graphs and more.
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A mp3 jukebox that includes a voting system.The play list outputs using mpg123 or is streamed via icecast.
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PHP Programming — Resources — U

Uresk Networks
Email Tracker, Quick Gallery ,Links, Uresk TAF Enhancer scripts.
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Using Cookies in PHP (Website Publisher)
Learn how to set and read cookies using the PHP scripting language.
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PHP Programming — Resources — V

VSIS Conftool
A Web-based online system that supports all phases of scientific conferences, workshops and seminars. It was developed to make the management of a conference easier and more time-saving. [Open source, free of charge for non-commercial conferences and events]
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PHP Programming — Resources — W

Web Programming Tutorial for the Absolute Beginner
An easy to follow tutorial which focuses on the most elementary PHP concepts. Suitable for people who have heard of PHP, but who have never actually seen or written PHP or any other programming language.
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PHP Programming — Resources — X

This PHP script will allows visitors to perform searches on multiple search engines.
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PHP Programming — Resources — Z

Zach White
Free Uploading and Downloading Scrips for use on any website.Includes forums for script support and help.
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A bottom-up rewrite of the PHP scripting engine. It features a modular architecture, vastly improved performance, and greater scalability.
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